Life is what we are living and the past is just that… the past. No matter how dark it gets… the sun will eventually rise and life is good again.
We will miss Sadie and cherish the memories everytime we come across a Sadie hair in the boat. (which is often)
We cannot thank everyone enough for all the nice things that were said about Sadie. She was a sweet, sweet, beautiful girl. We were priviledged to have had her in our lives.
But now it’s back to life and planning our next adventure. We are becoming more comfortable and confident with Istaboa so for our next trip we may push the limits a bit.
We are working out the plan now and will keep all our friends posted.
“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain
We love that quote.
Happier days, God bless Sadie (whichever God you prefer)
Bob, Mel, and Radar
Hey there
I was glad to see my bloglines hightlighted on your blog. I know how hard it is, but your right – the sun always comes up and you’ll always have your wonderful memories (and stray hairs) of precious Sadie. We are heading out in the a.m. to Naples for the week. We were going to the Keys but we’ve been gone 6 weeks so decided to not go as far. I’m so anxiously awaiting to read about where Istaboa will be headed. Hope to see you in your travels…. Oh, by the way – I absolutely love that quote on your blog – mind if I use it on mine?